What better legacy could there be to memorialize one of our life’s passions than to help future generations of orthopedists and benefit future patients with your generosity. Please join us in this endeavor!

The VOS has thrived as a scientific organization promoting the improvement of veterinary orthopedics by providing educational and research opportunities, and a forum for presentation of the newest ideas. As with many worthy causes, the limiting factor towards doing more to service for our mission is money. While annual donations and our programs have steadily improved our financial position, a new opportunity is being rolled out in 2025 to increase our research and educational funding potential in quantum leaps. The Heritage Guild was established by VOSEF and the VOS board to provide a mechanism for legacy gifts from our estates when we have crossed that “rainbow bridge.” It’s exciting to think what that money could do for us in the VOS!

We have developed a Legacy Guild commitment form which is below. As we don’t usually update our wills or estate documents yearly, a simple strategy for now is to fill out the form and email a scanned copy to Heidi DeCamp at the VOS office. You can keep the signed original with your current estate documents so your executors will know your wishes. When you revisit your estate plan with your attorney you can formalize it into your plan. Multiple ways to give the gift exist that your tax advisors and estate planners can advise you about.

Please fill out the Heritage Guild Commitment Form and return it to the VOS Secretary at secretary@vosdvm.org to make the VOS Education Foundation part of your Legacy.