2025 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2025
Charlotte Barton, Colorado State University – “Tenoscopic guided resection of the Manica Flexoria utilizing radiofrequency energy”
Christopher Beggan, Waikato Equine Veterinary Centre – “Comparing the efficacy of needle and endoscopic lavage in adult equine fetlocks and digital tendon sheaths using microspheres”
Emma Devereux, University of Florida – “Comparison of Fracturoscopy and Fluoroscopy for Intraoperative Assessment of Fracture Apposition During Indirect Reduction of Simulated Diaphyseal Radial Fractures”
Casey Gordon, Animal Referral Hospital Brisbane – “Novel, Markerless, Kinematic Tool Utilising a Deep Neural Network for Analysis of Joint Range Of Motion And Lameness In Dogs”
Charlotte Pfund, VCA Animal Specialty Group – “Femoral Cortical Thickness Index in a Population of Dogs Undergoing Total Hip Arthroplasty”
Regan Stoneburner, Cornell University – “Comparison of Multiplanar Reconstruction Versus Computer-Aided Three-Dimensional Measurements from Computed Tomography Scans of Normal Canine Radii”
Peter Welsh, Washington State University – “Humeral torsion in dogs with concurrent antebrachial deformities”

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Timothy Lescun, Purdue University – “Effects of clopidogrel on laminar perfusion and histopathology in an oligofructose model of equine laminitis”

Wade O. Brinker Research Awards
Karl Hoenecke, University of Pennsylvania – “Biomechanical comparison of interfragmentary compression and torsional strength of cortical lag screws at different angles of fixation”
Rosa Rodrigo, Columbia Veterinary Emergency Trauma and Specialty (CVETS) – “Three-dimensional printed patient-specific drill guide vs. Universal Aiming Device vs. Free-hand technique for humeral transcondylar drilling: A comparative analysis of accuracy”

Collaborative Grant Award
Agnieszka Fracka and Joshua Kershaw – “Evaluation of Collateral Ligament and Risk of Injury During Total Knee Replacement in Dogs”

International Rising Star Award
Joshua Kershaw – “A Novel Robotic System for Veterinary Orthopaedic Surgery”

Best Awards - 2025
Best Bloomberg 
(Awarded by AO Vet North America to the Best MBRRA Podium Presentation): Casey Gordon – “Novel, Markerless, Kinematic Tool Utilising a Deep Neural Network for Analysis of Joint Range Of Motion And Lameness In Dogs”
Best Gretchen Flo Student Intern Award: Freya Cooper – “3D In silico Analysis of Equine Cervical Spines Correlation with CT Diagnosed sites of Cervical Spinal Cord Compression”
Best Clinical Poster Presentation: Rachel McKay – “Influence of computer-aided manufacturing material on accuracy of novel custom 3D-printed cutting guide in canine segmental mandibulectomy: a cadaveric study”
Best Scientific Poster Presentation: Allison Stewart – “59 Equine Samples Submitted for DNA-based Evaluation of Infection”
Best Equine Podium Presentation: Matt Stewart – “Endosteum Does Not Compensate For Periosteal Loss In Cortical Bone Repair”
Best Small Animal Scientific Podium Presentation: Lauren Davis – “Comprehensive evaluation of canine and human bone marrow-derived multipotent stromal cell (MSC) osteogenic differentiation using RNA-sequencing”
Best Small Animal Clinical Podium Presentation: Harrison Ramsey – “Comparison of Tibial Alignment Following Bent or Straight Interlocking Nail Fixation for Dogs with Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures”
Honorable Mention Small Animal Clinical Podium Presentation: Brian Trumpatori – “Intra-operative Radiography of Pelvis Position, Femoral-Acetabular Bone Preparation and Implant Size-Orientation During Canine Total Hip Arthroplasty”

Gretchen Flo Student/Intern Awards:
Natalie Azzolini, University of Tennessee – “Effects of Common Horse Show Medications (Phenylbutazone, Dexamethasone, and Esomeprazole) on Gastric pH and Ulcer Development under Show-Like Conditions”
Freya Cooper, University of Florida – “3D In silico Analysis of Equine Cervical Spines Correlation with CT Diagnosed sites of Cervical Spinal Cord Compression”
MaryAlice Coulter, Michigan State University – “Mechanical Evaluation of the Ideal Plate-Bone Distance in Torsion for 2.0mm Locking Plate Constructs Using a Feline Bone Model Surrogate”
Agnieszka Fracka, Western College of Veterinary Medicine – “Compaction Effect on Different Densities of Cancellous Bone and Immediate Stability of an Angle Stable Interlocking Nail in a Distal Femoral Osteotomy Model”
Danielle McNabney, Cornell University – “Comparison of Guided versus Free-Hand Osteotomy for a Bi-oblique Dynamic Proximal Ulnar Osteotomy in Normal Cadaveric Canine Limbs”
Tenley Porcher, Ohio State University – “Availability bias affects surgeon choice of treatment for feline cranial cruciate rupture: an internet survey”
Sarah Stark, University of Minnesota – “Exposed Digits Increase Weight Bearing and Alter Sub-Bandage Pressures in Dogs with Forelimb Splints”

Steve Fox Lifetime Achievement Award
Gail Smith

2024 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2024
William Chung, Michigan State University - "Mechanical Comparison of Straight and Pre-Bent Interlocking Nails Used for the Stabilization of Tibial Fracture"
John Hanlon, University of Florida - "Mechanical Evaluation of a Partially Threaded, Interference Interlocking Mechanism for Angle Stable Intramedullary Nailing"
Danielle Hollenbeck, Texas A&M University - "Mechanical Evaluation of Canine Cementless Total Hip Replacement Broaches: Effect of Tooth Design on Broach and Stem Insertion"
Karyn Labbe, University of Georgia - "In Vitro Biomechanical Testing of a Novel Transarticular Screw Technique for Arthrodesis of the Equine Distal Intertarsal and Tarsometatarsal Joints"
Robert McCarthy, Oregon State University - "Effects of cryotherapy and bandaging on core temperature of equine flexor tendons"
Federico Longo, University of Zurich - "In vivo shoulder kinematics assessed with biplanar fluoroscopy in healthy dogs during walk and trot gait"
Rachel McKay, North Carolina State University - "Biomechanical Evaluation of Three Adjunctive Methods of Orthopedic Tension Band-wire Fixation to Augment Simulated Patella Tendon Repairs in Dogs"

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Sushmitha Durgam - "Investigating the mechanical contribution and degradation of interfascicular matrix elastin in racing Thoroughbred superficial digital flexor tendons"

Wade O. Brinker Research Awards
Sarah Ciamillo - "In Vitro Biomechanical Testing of Three Fracture Fixation Methods for Transverse Mid-body Proximal Sesamoid Bone Fractures in the Horse”
Abigail Blanton - "Ex vivo evaluation of a novel staple and bone-screw-fastener implant as a method of distal tarsus arthrodesis"

Best Awards - 2024
Best Bloomberg 
(Awarded by AO Vet North America to the Best MBRRA Podium Presentation): John Hanlon - "Mechanical Evaluation of a Partially Threaded, Interference Interlocking Mechanism for Angle Stable Intramedullary Nailing"
Best Gretchen Flo Student Intern Award: Anna Lia Sullivan - "Effect of BODPUO or PLUS Procedure on Intra-articular Contact Mechanics of Cadaveric Canine Elbows with Experimentally Induced Negative Radioulnar Incongruence"
Best Clinical Poster Presentation: Adam Biedrzycki - "New Surgical Approaches to Managing Coxofemeral Luxation in Large Animals"
Best Scientific Poster Presentation: Mu Young Kim - "Development of a 3D-printed Canine Hip Dysplastic Model for Acetabular Cup Implantation Training"
Best Equine Podium Presentation: Heidi Reesink - "Low Rates of Positive Bacterial Culture and High Prevalence of Antimicrobial Resistance in Equine Synovial Sepsis"
Best Small Animal Scientific Podium Presentation: Natalie Worden - "Evaluation of 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Guides to Facilitate Fluoroscopic-Assisted Kirschner Wire Stabilization of Simulated Femoral Capital Physeal Fractures in 3D-Printed Dog Femur Models"
Best Small Animal Clinical Podium Presentation: Federico Longo - "Custom-Made Trochlear Ridges Prosthesis for Dogs Affected by Femoral Trochlear Dysplasia and Patella Luxation"

Gretchen Flo Student/Intern Awards:
Chessa Brown, University of Tennessee - "Clinical Effect of Multidose Oral Administration of Firocoxib and t-TUCB Alone and in Combination for the Treatment of Naturally Occurring Osteoarthritis in Horses"
Agnieszka Fracka, Michigan State University - "Adding the Third Dimension to Surgical Planning"
Margaret Kane, BluePearl Pet Hospital Sandy Springs - "The Effect of Wire Twist Location on Wire Tension in a Tibial Tuberosity Pin and Tension Band Wire Fixation Model"
Elaina Peterson, University of Florida - "The development of customized 3D printed casts for external fixator wire placement in the antebrachium of dogs"
Karly Souders, University of Florida - "Characterization of aseptic protocol breach events during scrubbing, gowning and gloving amongst veterinary students in a teaching hospital setting"
Anna Lia Sullivan, Cornell University - "Effect of BODPUO or PLUS Procedure on Intra-articular Contact Mechanics of Cadaveric Canine Elbows with Experimentally Induced Negative Radioulnar Incongruence"

Steve Fox Lifetime Achievement Award
Daniel D. Lewis

2023 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2023
Sophie Boorman, Virginia Tech - "Implant-less Correction of Fetlock Varus"
Emily Hartman, Purdue University - "The Shelf Life of Antibiotic Impregnated Calcium Sulfate Beads"
Ming Lu, Oregon State University - “Effect of Mechanical Stimulation on Histology Scores and Extracellular Matrix Content of Anatomically Sized Synoviocyte-seeded Fibrin Hydrogels"
Lawrence Kadic, Louisiana State University - "An Ex vivo Comparison of Stainless-steel Cables to a Novel Iso-elastic Non-metallic Polymer Cerclage Cable in an Equine Metacarpophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis Model"
Bettina Salmelin, Washington State University - "Measurement of Intra-Articular Pressures During Stifle Arthroscopy Using a Cadaver Model"
Lauren Smanik, Colorado State University - "Computed Tomography and Fluoroscopy versus Radiographic Guidance for Internal Fixation of Central Tarsal Bone Fractures in Non-Racing Horses"
Logan Scheuermann, University of Florida - "Efficacy of Virtual Surgical Planning and 3-D Printed, Patient-Specific Reduction Guides to Facilitate Alignment of Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures Stabilized via Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis in Dogs: A Prospective Clinical Study"

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Frederico Longo, Vetsuisse, University of Zurich - “Shoulder kinematics in dogs with and without medical shoulder instability measured with biplanar fluoroscopy”

Best Awards - 2023
Best Bloomberg Presentation
(Awarded by AO VET North America to the Best MBRRA Podium Presentation): Ming Lu - "Effect of Mechanical Stimulation on Histology Scores and Extracellular Matrix Content of Anatomically Sized Synoviocyte-seeded Fibrin Hydrogels"
Best Clinical Poster Presentation: Logan Scheuermann - "Clinical Efficacy of Virtual Surgical Planning and 3D-Printed, Patient-Specific Reduction Guides to Facilitate Alignment of Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures Stabilized via Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis in Dogs: A Historic Case Matched Control Study"
Best Scientific Poster Presentation: Richard Evans - "Human Orthopedic Research Articles Convey Information Better Than Veterinary Orthopedic Research Articles"
Best Equine Podium Presentation: Sushmitha Durgam - "Thoroughbred Racehorse Age and Athletic Training History Influence Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon Structure-Function Adaptation"
Best Small Animal Scientific Podium Presentation: Elisabeth Lemmon - "Mechanoactive Delivery of Immunosuppressive Therapies to Restore Synovial and Meniscus Cell Function"
Best Small Animal Clinical Podium Presentation: Jose Carvajal - "Breakage of Cementless Press-Fit Femoral Stems for Total Hip Arthroplasty: 7 Dogs"

Gretchen Flo Student/Intern Awards:
Sarah Ciamillo, University of Pennsylvania - "Comparison of Standing Computed Tomography and Positron Emission Tomography to Evaluate Subchondral Bone Injury of the Metacarpo-/Metatarsophalangeal Joint in Thoroughbred Racehorses"
Megan Gallagher, University of Missouri - "The Effect of Intra-Articular Morphine on the Antimicrobial Efficacy of Intra-Articular Ceftiofur"

Steve Fox Lifetime Achievement Award
Gretchen Flo

2022 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2022
Logan Scheuermann, University of Florida - "Efficacy of Virtual Surgical Planning and 3D-Printed Patient-Specific Reduction Guides for Aligning Simulated Comminuted Tibial Fractures in Cadaveric Dogs"
Jose Carvajal, University of Florida - "Acute-Phase Protein Concentrations Following Uncomplicated Total Hip Arthroplasty in Dogs"
Kendra Eginton, University of Minnesota - "Pressure Changes After Reapplication of a Custom Fiberglass Tarsal Splint"
Brett Casna, Chesapeake Veterinary Surgical Specialists - "Incidence of Surgical Site Infection Following Postoperative Application of a Novel Antimicrobial Wireless Electroceutical Wound Dressing to Canine TPLO Incisions: A Prospective, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study"
Sophie Boorman, Auburn University - "Effect of Rest Between Sequential Treatments of Local Anesthetic and Corticosteroid on Inflamed Equine Articular Tissues"
Rebecca Rifkin, University of Tennessee - "Determination of the Patho-Mechanisms Associated with Staphylococcus Aureus Osteomyelitis"
Lawrence Kadic, Louisiana State University - "An Ex Vivo Comparison of Mono-versus Polyaxial Locking Plates for Metacarpophalangeal Joint Arthrodesis in the Horse"

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Heidi Reesink, Cornell University - “Investigation of Equine Osteoarthritis Immunophenotypes and Immune Responses to Intra-articular Therapeutics”

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Emily Hartman, Purdue University - “The Shelf Life of Antibiotic Impregnated Calcium Sulfate Beads”

Best Awards - 2022
Best Bloomberg Presentation:
Brett Casna - "Incidence of Surgical Site Infection Following Postoperative Application of a Novel Antimicrobial Wireless Electroceutical Wound Dressing to Canine TPLO Incisions: A Prospective, Double-Blinded, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study"
Best Surgeon in Training Presentation: John Hanlon - "Sacroiliac Joint Stabilization Using Two Short Screws: A Mechanical Study"
Best Poster Presentation: Fanny Guillerminet - "Efficacy and Safety Assessment of a Self-Setting Bone Substitute (α-TCP) as an Efficient Alternative to Autografts"
Best Small Animal Clinical Podium Presentation: Antonio Pozzi - "Outcome and Complications Following TPLO with Lateral Extra-capusular Augmentation"
Best Small Animal Scientific Podium Presentation: Kate Williams - "Myoblast Exosome Production, Function and miRNA Cargo Is Altered by Mechanical Stimulation: Therapeutic Implications for Skeletal Muscle Regeneration"
Best Equine Clinical Podium Presentation: Heidi Reesink - "Bone Mineral Density and Metacarpophalangeal Joint Pathology Are Associated with Exercise But Not Proximal Sesamoid Bone Fracture in Thoroughbred Race Horses"
Best Equine Scientific Podium Presentation: Kyla Ortved - "Characterization and Immunomodulatory Properties of Extracellular Vesicles Isolated from Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells"

2022 Surgeon-In-Training Awards
John Hanlon, The Ohio State University - "Sacroiliac Joint Stabilization Using Two Short Screws: A Mechanical Study"
Alexandra Carlson, University of Missouri - "Anti-Nociceptive Efficacy of the Soluble Epoxide Hydrolase Inhibitor t-TUCB in Horses with Mechanically Induced Lameness"
Jaclyn Gremley, BluePearl Specialty and Emergency Pet Hospital - "The Effect of Grip Location on Kirschner Wire Bend Characteristics: An In Vitro Study"
Kevin de Moya, University of Florida - "Closed Reduction and Fluoroscopic-Guided Percutaneous Pinning of Femoral Capital Physeal or Neck Fractures: 13 Fractures in 11 Dogs"
Victoria Demello, Las Vegas Veterinary Specialty Center - "Consistency of Platelet Counts Within Individual Patients During Platelet Rich Plasma Generation and Effects of Freezing on the Concentration of Growth Factors in Platelet Rich Plasma"
Courtney Bounds, Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists - "Feasibility of Feline Coxofemoral Arthroscopy Using a Supratrochanteric Lateral Portal: A Cadaveric Study"
Weston Beamon, North Carolina State University - "Effect of Calcaneal Bone Tunnel Orientation for Teno-Osseous Repair in a Canine Common Calcaneal Tendon Avulsion Model"

2021 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2021
Sam Chiu, North Carolina State University - "Effect of Epitendinous Suture Placement in Addition to Two Novel Suture Patterns in a Canine Flexor Tendon Repair Model: A Biomechanical Analysis"
George Elane, University of Florida - "Kinematic Effects of Equine Interspinous Ligament Desmotomy"
Jenny Kwok, VCA Animal Specialty Group, Los Angeles - "Clinical Outcomes of Canine Total Hip Replacements Utilizing a BFX® Lateral Bolt Femoral Stem: 205 Consecutive Joint Replacements (2013-2019)"
Daniel McCarthy, Louisiana State University - "Evaluation of the Accuracy of a Custom 3D Printed Drill Guide for Drilling Canine Sacra and Comparison with Traditional Free-Hand Technique"
Lucas Smolders, University of Zurich - "Development of a Grading Scheme for the Preoperative Assessment of the Difficulty of Total Hip Replacement in Dogs: A Pilot Study"
Shannon Wainberg, Ontario Veterinary College - "The Effect of Working Length, Fracture and Screw Configuration on Plate Strain"
Geoffrey Zann, Ohio State University - "Long Term Outcome of Dogs Treated by Surgical Debridement of Shoulder Osteochondritis Dissecans"

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Logan M. Scheuermann, University of Florida, "Efficacy of Virtual Surgical Planning and 3D-Printed Custom Guides for Reducing and Aligning Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures Stabilized via Minimally Invasive Plate Osteosynthesis in Dogs: A Prospective Clinical Study"

Best Awards - 2021
Best Bloomberg Presentation: "Long Term Outcome of Dogs Treated by Surgical Debridement of Shoulder Osteochondritis Dissecans" - Geoffrey Zann, Ohio State University
Best Small Animal Clinical Presentation: "Greater Trochanter Osteotomy to Address Medialization of the Greater Trochanter or Chronic Luxation in Cementless Total Hip Replacement" - Catrina Silveira, Texas A&M University
Best Small Animal Scientific Presentation: "In vitro and in vivo Assessment of Poly (E-Caprolactone) and Poly (E-Caprolactone)-Poly (L-Lactic Acid) Shape Memory Polymers for Bone Tissue Engineering" - Shelby Gasson, Texas A&M University
Best Equine Clinical Presentation: "Proximal Sesamoid Bone (PSB) Microdamage and its Relationship to Exercise in Thoroughbred Racehorses that Experience Unilateral Biaxial PSB Fracture" - Sarah Shaffer, University of California
Best Equine Scientific Presentation: "Characterization of Zonal Tendon Derived Cells for Equine Intrasynovial DDFT and Response to In-Vitro Inflammation" - Vivian Quam, Ohio State University

2021 VOS Education Foundation Student/Intern Awards
Logan Eicher, Ohio State University, "Evaluation of Variability in Gait Styles Used by Dogs Completing Weave Poles in Agility Competition and its Effect on Completion of the Obstacle"
Rachael Cunningham, North Carolina State University, "Evaluation of a Nutritional Supplement for the Alleviation of Pain Associated with Feline Degenerative Joint Disease"

2020 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2020
Callie Blackford Winders, University of Minnesota – “Comparison of Semi-Cylindrical Recession Trochleoplasty and Trochlear Block Recession for the Treatment of Canine Medial Patellar Luxation: A Pilot Study”
Jannah Pye, University of California, Davis – “Comparison of Drilling, Screw Insertion and Pullout Variables of Biaxial and Uniaxial Thread Self-Tapping 3.5 mm Cortical Bone Screws in Cadaveric Equine Third Metacarpal Bone”
Sarah Castaldo, Mississippi State University – “Biomechanical Comparison of External Fixation and Bilateral Plating for Stabilization of a Canine Cadaveric Distal Metaphyseal Humeral Fracture Gap Model”
Brianna Dalbeth, Tufts University – “Comparison of a Novel Cup Position Assessment Device Using Fluoroscopy with CT Assessment and Direct Measurement of Acetabular Component Position in Total Hip Arthroplasty in Dogs”
Amanda Prisk, Tufts University – “Long-Term Prognosis for Return to Athletic Function after Interspinous Ligament Desmotomy for Treatment of Impinging and Overriding Dorsal Spinous Processes in Horses: 71 Cases (2012-2017)”
Adam Eby, North Carolina State University – “Influence of Barbed Epitendinous Suture in Combination with a Core Locking Loop Suture for Flexor Tendon Repair in a Canine Cadaveric Translational Laceration Model”
Thomas Cullen, University of California, Davis – “Evaluation of Communication between the Equine Tarsocrural and Talocalcaneal Joints Using Intraarticular Contrast Enhanced CT and Methylene Blue Stain”

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Katherine Hirose Barnes, Texas A&M University, “The Effect of the Proximal Abducting Ulnar Osteotomy (PAUL) on Limb Alignment, Kinetics, and Kinematics in Client Owned Dogs with Medial Compartment Disease of the Elbow”

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
King Wa (Sam) Chiu, North Carolina State University, “Novel Tenorrhaphy Patterns for Canine Superficial Digital Tendon Repair”

Best Awards - 2020
Best Clinical Poster: Pearce Sloan, Kansas State University, “Eosinophilic Synovitis in a Horse Following Methylprednisolone Acetate Injection in the Distal Tarsal Joints”
Best Scientific Poster: Sarah Timko, University of Florida, “Accuracy of 3D Printed Subject-Specific Guides for Canine Total Hip Arthroplasty”
Best Small Animal Clinical Podium Presentation: Renee McDougall, Animal Medical Center, “Patient Weight Is a Risk Factor for Implant Removal Following Canine TPLO: 747 Cases from Two Referral Centers”
Best Small Animal Scientific Podium Presentation: Catrina Silveira, Texas A&M University, “Chondrogenesis of Canine Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells (CMSCS) in a Serum-Free Type I Collagen System Is Enhanced by Pre-exposure to Basic Fibroblast Growth Factor”
Best Bloomberg Presentation: Callie Blackford Winders, University of Minnesota, “Comparison of Semi-Cylindrical Recession Trochleoplasty and Trochlear Block Recession for the Treatment of Canine Medial Patellar Luxation: A Pilot Study”
Best Equine Podium Presentation: Ashlee Watts, Texas A&M University, “Allo-Recognition of Mesenchymal Stem Cells Is Dependent on Major Histocompatability Complex Haplotype”

2020 VOS Education Foundation Student/Intern Awards
Kelsey Schaul, Ohio State University, “Evaluation of Gait Analysis Data Obtained Using a Cover vs. No Cover on a Validated Pressure Sensitive Walkway System”
Danielle Watt, Iowa State University, “Ex Vivo Mechanical Testing of 3 Loop Pulley Suture, Tendon Plating, and Combination in a Canine Common Calcaneal Tendon Repair Model”

2019 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2019
Isaac Cortes, III, Oregon State University – “Silicone Cannula Guards for Canine Stifle Arthroscopy Reduce Iatrogenic Cartilage Injury”
Christina De Armond, University of Florida – “Efficiency and Accuracy of 3D Printed Patient-Specific Guides for Angular Limb Deformity Correction in Dogs”
Hayley Gallaher, Mississippi State University – “The Effect of Short and Long-Term NSAID Administration on Osteotomy Healing in Dogs”
Stephanie Grissom, Oregon State University – “Role of Cartilage and Bone Matrix Regulation in Early Equine Osteochondrosis”
Griselda Lam, Michigan State University – “Evaluation of Threaded External Skeletal Fixation Pin Insertion with and without Predrilling in Avian Bone”
Danielle Marturello, Michigan State University – “Mechanical Comparison of Small Interlocking Nail Systems in Torsion Using a Feline Bone Model Surrogate”
Jennifer Whyard, University of Wisconsin-Madison – “Determination of Optimal Torque for Cortical Bone Screw Fixation in Equine Third Metacarpal Bone”

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Matt Stewart, University of Illinois, “Synovial Ossification in OA: Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targeting”

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Jannah Pye, University of California, Davis, “Comparison of Pull-Out Strength Between 3.5mm Bone Screw Fasteners and Self-Tapping AO 3.5 mm Cortical Bone Screws in Cadaveric Adult Equine Third Metacarpal Bone”

Best Awards - 2019
Best Scientific Poster:
Shelly Shamir, Colorado State University, “Use of a Novel Osteotomy Guide (BoneTractor) for Closing Wedge Osteotomies: Ex Vivo Evaluation of Osteotomy Accuracy”
Best Small Animal Scientific Podium Presentation: Ming Lu, Michigan State University, “Effects of Marker Cluster Combinations on the Calculated Three-Dimensional Kinematics of the Canine Stifle Joint”
Best Small Animal Clinical Podium Presentation: Jeff Biskup, Oregon State University, “Long-Term Fate of Decellularized Allografts Used for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Dogs”
Best Bloomberg Presentation: Danielle Marturello, Michigan State University, “Mechanical Comparison of Small Interlocking Nail Systems in Torsion Using a Feline Bone Model Surrogate”
Best Equine Podium Presentation: Kayla Le, Iowa State University, “Duration of Effect of Liposomal Bupivacaine in an Induced Equine Lameness Model”

2019 VOS Education Foundation Student/Intern Awards
Sebastian Mejia, Colorado State University, “Evaluation of the Effect of Cannabidiol on Osteoarthritis-Associated Pain in Dogs-A Pilot Study”
Blake Shessel, BluePearl Veterinary Partners, Atlanta, GA, “Use of an Intraoperative Distraction Device as an Aid for the Open Reduction and Fixation of Chronic Lateral Humeral Condylar Fractures in Dogs”

2018 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2018
Dr. Karen Beste – "Intramedullary, Interlocking Nail Fixation Alone or in Combination with a Cranial Bone Plate to Repair Diaphyseal Femur Fractures in 16 Fouls Weighing Less than 250kg (1993-2016)"
Dr. Kayla Corriveau – "Effect of Proximal Abducting Ulnar Osteotomy (PAUL) on Thoracic Limb Alignment in a Canine Ex Vivo Simulated Weight-Bearing Model"
Dr. Melissa MacIver – "Development of a 3D Type I Collagen Assay to Evaluate Chondrogenesis of Canine Bone Marrow-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells"
Dr. Leah McGlinchey – "An Objective Assessment of the Effect of Desensitizing the Median Nerve on Lameness Originating from the Cubital Joint"
Dr. Lynn Pezzanite – "Equine Mesenchymal Stem Cells Possess Antimicrobial Properties"
Dr. Cole Sandow – "Evaluation of the Short-Term Effects of Intra-Articular Administration of Platelet-Rich Plasma in Horses with Experimentally Induced Synovitis"
Dr. Allen Simon – "Biomechanical Comparison of Three Lumbosacral Stabilizing Implant Devices in Canine Cadavers"

Hohn Johnson Research Award
Dr. Jason Bleedorn, "Evaluation of Antimicrobial Limb Perfusion in Dogs"

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Dr. Caroline Constant, "Cranial Cruciate Ligament Replacement in Adult Cattle:  Design and ex vivo Biomechanical Evaluation of an Innovative Braided Super-Elastic Nitinol Prosthesis"

Best Awards - 2018
Best Research Podium Presentation: Dr. Kristina Kiefer, "Double-Blinded, Placebo Controlled Study Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Intravenous Allogeneic Adipose Stromal Cell Therapy for Canine Osteoarthritis"
Best Clinical Podium Presentation: Dr. Jane Park, "Effect of Bidirectional Insertion of External Skeletal Fixation Pins on Axial Pullout Strength in Canine Cadaveric Bone"
Best Bloomberg Presentation: Dr. Kayla Corriveau, "Effect of Proximal Abducting Ulnar Osteotomy (PAUL) on Thoracic Limb Alignment in a Canine Ex Vivo Simulated Weight-Bearing Model"
Best Poster Presentation: Dr. Giovanni Tremolada, "Biomechanical Comparison of 3.5mm SOP and Cortical Pearl Systems in a Simulated Fracture Gap Model and the Effect Plate Bending on Screw Push Out"

2017 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards - 2017
Dr. Carla Appelgrein
Dr. Daniel Davis
Dr. Jennifer Godfrey
Dr. Jessica Leasure
Dr. Deandra Owen
Dr. David Suarez-Fuentes
Dr. Albert S. H. Tsang

Hohn Johnson Research Award
Dr. Jeffery Biskup, "Long-term Fate of Decellularized Allografts Used for Cranial Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Dogs: A Clinical Trial"

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Dr. Jennifer Whyard, "Determination of Optimal Torque for Cortical Bone Screw Fixation in Equine Third Metacarpal Bone"

Best Awards - 2017
Best Research Poster Presentation: Dr. Riley Shugg, "The Effect of Cyclic Axial Loading on Fixation Wire Tension in Single Ring Circular External Skeletal Fixator Constructs"
Best Clinical Poster Presentation: Dr. Samuel Franklin, "The Effect of Platelet-Rich Plasma on Osseous Healing in Dogs Treated with Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy"
Best Research Podium Presentation: Dr. Kaitlyn McNamara, "Exposure to Donor Bone Protein Induces Tolerance in Massive Cortical Allograft Recipients"
Best Clinical Podium Presentation: Dr. Sebastian Knell, "Outcome and Complications Following Stabilization of Coxofemoral Luxations in Cats Using Mini Tightrope® System"
Best Bloomberg Presentation: Dr. Jennifer Godfrey, "Effect of Regional Limb Perfusion Volume on Concentrations of Amikacin Sulfate in Synovial and Interstitial Fluid Samples from Anesthetized Horses"

2016 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards – 2016
Dr. Ellison Aldrich – Fort Collins, CO
Dr. Alexis Bilmont – Toulouse Cedex, France
Dr. Seth Bleakley – Fort Collins, CO
Dr. Adam Breiteneicher – College Station, TX
Dr. Elizabeth Collar – Philomath, OR
Dr. Elsa Ludwig – Blacksburg, VA
Dr. Alex Padron – Glen Allen, VA

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Susan Stover, University of California, Davis, "Heel movement and hoof wall deformation with different length horseshoes applied to the hoof." $22,596

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Dr. Megan Ann Mickelson (Dr. Peter Muir, supervisor), University Wisconsin-Madison, "Variance associated with subject velocity and trial repetition during force platform gait analysis in a heterogeneous population of clinically lame dogs.” $6,400

Best Awards - 2016
Best Poster Presentation: Dr. Samuel Franklin, Watkinsville, GA
Best Research Podium Presentation: Dr. Brian Saunders, College Station, TX
Best Clinical Podium Presentation: Dr. Fred Wininger, Creve Coeur, MO
Best Bloomberg Presentation: Dr. Elizabeth Collar, Philomath, OR

2015 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards – 2015
Dr. Judith Bertran – Columbus, OH
Dr. Yonathan Buks – Glendale, CA
Dr. Brittany Jean Carr – Columbia, MD
Dr. Nina Kieves – Fort Collins, CO
Dr. Benjamin Spall – Pullman, WA
Dr. Dane Tatarniuk – Roseville, MN
Dr. Selena Tinga – Gainesville, FL

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Matthew Allen, University of Cambridge and The Ohio State University, “Motion Capture Analysis of Stifle Joint Kinematics following Total Knee Replacement in Dogs.” $39,616.00

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Dr. Adam Breiteneicher, Texas A&M University, “Ex-vivo Effect of Sliding Humeral Osteotomy (SHO) on Thoracic Limb Alignment:  Implications for Management of Fragmented Coronoid Process (FCP) and Medial Compartment Disease.” $12,000.00

Best Awards - 2015
Best Poster Presentation: Dr. Robert Bearden, College Station, TX
Best Research Podium Presentation: Dr. Samuel Franklin, Watkinsville, GA
Best Clinical Podium Presentation: Dr. Malcolm Ness, Cramlington, Northumberland, U.K.
Best Bloomberg Presentation: Dr. Selena Tinga, Gainesville, FL

2014 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards – 2014
Dr. Andrea L. Henderson – Knoxville, TN: Cross-Sectional Area and Asymmetry of Lumbar Paraspinal Muscles for Dogs with and without Degenerative Lumbosacral Stenosis
Dr. Barbara Hunter – Corvallis, OR: Equine Synovial Fluid Tiludronate Concentrations Following Intravenous Regional Limb Perfusion with Low or High Dose Tiludronate
Dr. Stephen C. Jones – Gainesville, FL: In-Vivo Three-Dimensional Stifle Kinematics during Daily Activities in Dogs
Dr. Katie Kennedy – Pullman, WA: Effects of Low-Level Laser Therapy on Bone Healing and Pain in Dogs Following Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy
Dr. Jessica Knapp – Columbia, MO: Classification of Antebrachial Limb Deformities: A Retrospective Review of 101 Limbs from 2006-2013
Dr. Brad B. Nelson – Ft. Collins, CO: A Comparison of Radiofrequency Probe and Sharp Transection for Tenoscopic-Guided Desmotomy of the Accessory Ligament of the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon
Dr. Owen T. Skinner – Dorset, U.K.: Computed Tomographic Evaluation of Canine Elbow Congruity during Arthoscopy in an Ex-Vivo Model

International Resident Research Awards – 2014
Dr. Anna Nutt – United Kingdom:  Risk Factors for Tibial Tuberosity Fracture After Tibial Tuberosity Advancement in Dogs
Dr. Sophie Gibert — France:  Biomechanical comparison of Pin and Tension-band Wire vs. Novel Locking Plate Fixation in a Transverse Patellar Fracture Model in the Dog
Dr. Camille Bismuth – France:  Comparison of Radiographic Measurements of the Patellar Tendon-tibial Plateau Angle with Anatomical Measurements in Dogs:  Validity of the Common Tangent and Tibial Plateau Methods
Dr. Kat Crosse – New Zealand:  Computer-assisted Planning and Three-dimensional Modeling for Surgical Correction of Antebrachial Deformities in Dogs

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Sara Lawhon, Texas A&M University, “Biofilm formation and quorum sensing in Staphylococcus pseudintermedius.” $39,995.00

Best Awards – 2014
Best Clinical Poster Presentation:  Dr. Erica J. Moore, Gainesville, FL
Best Research Poster Presentation:  Dr. Kristin A. Freund, Ft. Collins, CO
Best Resident Podium Presentation:  Dr. Stephen C. Jones, Gainesville, FL

2013 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards – 2013
Dr. Ryan M Demianiuk – East Lansing, MI
Dr. David C Dymock – Gainesville, FL
Dr. Kristina Kiefer – St. Paul, MN
Dr. John H Pigott – Columbus, OH
Dr. Angela Sartor – Concord, CA
Dr. Jarred M Williams – Columbus, OH
Dr. David M. Wilson – Ft. Collins, CO

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Peter Muir, University of Wisconsin, “Autologous mesenchymal stem cell transplantation in dogs with non-contact cruciate rupture.” $39,995.00

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Dr. Ricky Cashmore, “Mechanical evaluation of K-wire orientation, alignment and tension band wire fixation in a tibial tuberosity osteotomy model.” $6,751.00

Best Awards – 2013
Best Clinical Poster Presentation:  Dr. Stephen C Jones, Gainesville, FL
Best Research Poster Presentation:  Dr. Elizabeth Kollar, Pittsburgh, PA
Best Bloomberg Presentation:  Dr. Ryan M Demianiuk, East Lansing, MI

2012 Award Winners

Mark Bloomberg Resident Research Awards – 2012
Dr. Sabrina Barry –Pullman, WA
Dr. Reunan Guillou – East Lansing, MI
Dr. Jennifer Haupt—North Grafton, MA
Dr. Caleb Hudson – Gainesville, FL
Dr. Debbie Reynolds – Guelph, ON
Dr. David M. Wilson – Ft. Collins, CO
Dr. Katja Wucherer – St. Paul, MN

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Stanley Kim, University of Florida, “Comparison of in-vivo femorotibial kinematics in dogs with cranial cruciate ligament rupture after tibial plateau leveling osteotomy or lateral fabellar suture stabilization.” $35,750.00

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Dr. Zach Goodrich, Texas A&M University, “Evaluation of thoracic limb alignment in healthy Labrador Retrievers using recumbent versus standing view frontal plane radiography.” $12,000.00

Best Awards - 2012
Best Clinical Poster Presentation: Dr. Meredith Kapler, Knoxville, TN
Best Research Poster Presentation: Dr. Jennifer Warnock, Corvallis, OR
Best Bloomberg Presentation: Dr. Debbie Reynolds, Guelph, ON

2011 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Vicki Wilke, University of Minnesota, “Investigating the Genetic Basis of Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture in the Labrador Retriever.” $31,686.00

2010 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Mike Conzemius, University of Minnesota, “Allogeneic Stem Cells as Adjuvant Therapy for Osteoarthritis Caused by Spontaneous Fragmented Coronoid Process in Dogs.” $39,206.00

Wade O. Brinker Resident Research Award
Dr. Eric Carlson, University of Illinois, “Effects of Serum and Autologous Conditioned Serum on Extra-cellular Matrix Synthesis in Equine Articular Chondrocytes Treated with Interleukin-1.” $11,980.00

2009 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Reunan Guillou and Dr. Loic Dejardin, Michigan State University, “In Vivo Evaluation of a Novel Total Elbow Arthroplasty System (Tate Elbow™) in Dogs.”  $39,296.00

2008 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Cory Wall, University of Missouri, “Comparison of imaging modalities for diagnosis and treatment decision making for shoulder osteochondrosis in dogs.” $39,980.00

2007 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Award
Dr. Linda Dahlgren, Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine, "Adipose-derived Adult Stem Cells as Trophic Mediators of Tendon Regeneration." $31,834.00

2006 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Awards
Dr. Jennifer Warnock, University of Missouri, “Chondrogenic differentiation of normal versus osteoarthritic synovium using sequential exposure of growth factors for fibrocartilage tissue engineering.” $8,790.00

Dr. Kim Agnello, University of California, “Biomechanical comparison of locking compression plate monocortical fixation versus positive-profile pins and polymethylmethacrylate for stabilization of canine cervical vertebral instability." $10,000.00

2005 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Awards
Dr. John Janicek, University of Missouri, “In Vitro biomechanical comparison of the dynamic condylar screw and double plating for fixation of diaphyseal radial fractures in adult horses.” $10,000.00 (presented 2006)

Dr. Dominque Griffon, University of Illinois, “Arthroscopic and Three-Dimensional computed tomographic measurement of radio-ulnar incongruence in Labrador Retrievers.” $10,000.00

Dr. Allison Stewart, University of Illinois, “Comparison of fibroblastic growth factor-2 and fibroblastic growth factor-18 for stimulation of mesenchymal stem cell expansion and chondrogenesis.” $10,000.00

2004 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Awards
Dr. Peter Muir, University of Wisconsin, “Molecular cloning of canine cathepsin K, a collagenolytic cysteine protease expressed in cranial cruciate ligament during rupture.” $9,180.00

Dr. Suanne Lauer, Louisiana State University, “Comparison of two hinged transarticular external skeletal fixator designs for postsurgical stabilization of stifle luxations in dogs.” $9,951.00

2003 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Awards
Dr. Susan Stover, University of California, “Can suspensory ligament injuries be prevented by a rocker toe horseshoe?” $9,701.00

Dr. Shawn C. Kennedy and Dr. Diane Dunning-University of Illinois, “The effect of meniscal release on meniscal displacement and biomechanics.” $10,000.00

Dr. David Mason, Iowa State University and University of California, “Evaluation of humeral wedge and humeral slide osteotomies for treatment of medial compartment osteoarthritis in the cubital joint of dogs.” $9,900.00

2002 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Awards
Dr. Grace Elizabeth Pluhar, Colorado State University, “Ex vivo biomechanical testing of modifications to an interlocking nailing system for fixation of unstable canine long bone fractures: Comparison of the use of one versus two distal screws in distal femoral metaphyseal fractures and comparison of the model 11 versus the model 22 system in mid-diaphyseal tibial fractures.”

Dr. Sherman Canapp, University of Florida, “Examination of synovial fluid and serum following intravenous injections of hyaluronan for the treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs.”

2001 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Awards
Dr. Jimi Cook, University of Missouri, “Characterizing osteochondrosis in the dog: The role of metalloprotineases and biomechanical stress.”

Dr. Ken Johnson, The Ohio State University, “Collagenous matrix remodeling and strength of fatigued canine bone.”

2000 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Awards
Dr. Mark Markel, University of Wisconsin, “Hamstring graft for repair of cranial cruciate deficient stifle in the dog.”

Dr. Peter Muir, University of Wisconsin, “Role of in vivo microdamage in the propagation of fatigue fracture in cannon bone.”

1999 Award Winners

Hohn-Johnson Research Awards
Dr. Rory Todhunter, Cornell University, “Synovitis, osteoarthritis, and disease modifying medication.”

Dr. A.J. Nixon, Cornell University, “A temporal study of growth-factor and matrix collagen expression in a collagenase induced model of flexor tendinitis in the horse.”

1998 Award Winners

Hohn Johnson Research Awards
Dr. Mark Ethell, Massey University, “Gentamicin, amikacin and ceftiofur elution from polymethylmethacrylate and hydroxyapatite cement.”

Dr. Susan Stover, University of California, “Biomechanical Evaluation of a new technique for improved stabilization of the canine cervical spine.”