VOS Members: As a member benefit, we have created an online VOS Membership Directory as part of our website. There is no cost to be included, and participation in the directory is optional. To see the Membership Directory and the VOS members who are listed, please click on this link.

If you would like to be included in the online VOS Membership Directory, please complete the survey form below.

Note: The Membership Directory will display only the contact information that you provide. If you do not wish to have some of your contact information included in the directory (for example, you do not want to include your phone number), please omit that information below.

If you have any questions, please contact Heidi DeCamp, VOS Executive Secretary, at secretary@vosdvm.org.

Thank you for your assistance.
The VOS Board of Directors

VOS Membership Directory Survey

Please provide the information that you would like to have included in the online VOS Membership Directory.