The VOS 2020 Conference Proceedings is now available in an interactive digital format that you can download to your computer.


Note: You will need the password provided to all attendees at the VOS 2020 Conference to download the files.

Here are the steps to take to download the VOS 2020 Conference Proceedings files:

  1. Click on this link to access the Proceedings files. Enter the password provided at the VOS 2020 Conference when prompted.

  2. You will see an icon for the file. Click on the “Download” button in the upper right corner of your screen to directly download the file to your computer or save the file to your personal Dropbox account.

  3. Once the file has completely downloaded, unzip the file to view the “VOS2020” folder. On a Windows computer, right-click on the .zip file and Extract it. (If you see a second .zip file, repeat the process and right-click on the second .zip file and Extract it again.) On a Mac computer, double-click on the file to open the file. Keep all the files together in the “VOS2020” folder.

  4. Click on the file named "Start.pdf" to begin viewing the files. On a Windows computer, select the Start.pdf file, right-click on it, and select “Open with Acrobat Reader.” We have found that if you double-click on the Start.pdf file, it will open in your browser, but the links to “Program” and other files will not work. Be sure the Start.pdf file is open in Acrobat so that the links work.

If you attended the VOS 2020 Conference and do not remember the password, please contact VOS for assistance.